Limit Challenges to Creating Well-Designed Courses

While it can be a challenge and in worst cases, a tragedy to experience or deliver poor learning experience, these challenges are not the problem. The problem is related to not making the shifts that innovatively incorporate e-Learning success factors.

e-Learning Success Factors

You know your audience and what they need.  Or you are seeing problems and issues with the current course and possibly noticing some missed opportunities. With free courses online, the issue is rarely just a matter of content or information delivery.

Deliver a unique learning experience. Create courses with high impact by  using  rich learning methods, a process that consistently generates well-designed learning experiences  that actually prepare people for the future of work.

Offer learning in ways that support instructors or content experts to be FREE to focus on content – it’s vigor, relevance, and meaningfulness of the content and the practicality of the essential knowledge that people need. …not on the technology.